The following script allows you to modify PuTTY sessions in a batch.
Category: Software
Automated Eclipse downloader
I work with Eclipse a lot and to download a new version, which comes out 4 times a year, I use the following script. It can be executed with PowerShell and does not require Java to be installed on the system because it downloads the OpenJDK version itself. Eclipse can then be found in the… Continue reading Automated Eclipse downloader
Improve Gimp UI integration
Okay, this is nothing functional and really just something for the eye. I am using Gimp on a regular basis and think it is a really great piece of software. There was just something that annoyed me every time I used the software: The font integration which looked to me somehow “out of place”. Let… Continue reading Improve Gimp UI integration
Eclipse bundle creator
For development of Spring Boot applications, designing Jasper reports, writing regular Java applications and libraries build with Gradle, development of database scripts and DB management in general with DBeaver and development of C/C++ applications I use Eclipse with a few plugins. Now eclipse releases a new version every three month and I was always annoyed… Continue reading Eclipse bundle creator
Install Visual Studio Code
I think it is time to show real quick how to install Visual Studio Code because most of my work is done with this editor. It can be downloaded from the product page. After this is done just follow the screenshots and you are good to go. I recommend to use the user installer, which… Continue reading Install Visual Studio Code