The following script allows you to modify PuTTY sessions in a batch.
Category: Small hacks
I’m a hybrid morning person
What is a hybrid morning person you ask? I love working and getting things done in the morning, but from the comfort of my bed with my laptop on my knees.
Cleanup Linux logs
I just had the case that my disk on a Linux VM ran full and I had to make space quickly. I was willing to sacrifice my journald logs in order to make the urgent update work and I was able to free up a few gigabytes of space with the following commands. This drops… Continue reading Cleanup Linux logs
Wait for host in BaSH
Okay, this one is a little specific, but I recently had this issue and I wanted to share it because knowing this would have saved me one scripting language and a lot of time. I have previously implemented this in PowerShell, but it can easily be done in BaSH as well. The premise was to… Continue reading Wait for host in BaSH
Get installed packages
Assuming one needs to setup a LAMP server identically to a existing machine and it is important that all the specific packages are installed in order to guarantee a stable execution of the application. the following command prints out a single line list of installed packages for the provided search terms: Just change “apache|mysql|php” (RegEx!)… Continue reading Get installed packages