Assume you have a shiny new site with great content, a new URL (or http address) and are expecting customers. Unfortunately your old site is not yet really gone in the search results but luckily you still have access to your old address. There is an easy way to redirect the users, who click on… Continue reading Redirecting with mod_rewrite
Why DevOps?
Why not just developers, like Steve Balmer once said? Why not just managers? Why do you need someone who understands how software is written and who also understands how it can be tested, packaged, deployed and maintained in an automated manner? I think this question answers itself, doesn’t it? I’d like to bring up an… Continue reading Why DevOps?
Improve Gimp UI integration
Okay, this is nothing functional and really just something for the eye. I am using Gimp on a regular basis and think it is a really great piece of software. There was just something that annoyed me every time I used the software: The font integration which looked to me somehow “out of place”. Let… Continue reading Improve Gimp UI integration
GitLab: Persisting data between jobs
When I first tried to write and run pipelines in GitLab first thing I got were errors. I tried to create a json file containing data that needed to be accessible in each job of the pipeline. This was an id generated randomly in the first step and each following step would rely on this… Continue reading GitLab: Persisting data between jobs
Eclipse bundle creator
For development of Spring Boot applications, designing Jasper reports, writing regular Java applications and libraries build with Gradle, development of database scripts and DB management in general with DBeaver and development of C/C++ applications I use Eclipse with a few plugins. Now eclipse releases a new version every three month and I was always annoyed… Continue reading Eclipse bundle creator
Setup Msys2 automatically
Some time ago I wrote a short post on “How to develop a 64bit C application on Windows 10 with Visual Studio Code“. To be honest´it is a little bit tricky setting up the development environment, with gcc, gdb, make and other required tools. So I have extended my automated installation script. This script will:… Continue reading Setup Msys2 automatically
Run Linux services only as local user
Some time ago I wanted to let services like Apache, application servers, databases and stuff run as “Active Directory” users under Linux. Linux uses a component called “winbind”, which is part of the all famous “Samba” package, to connect to an “Active Directory”. What it does is basically map your AD (short for “Active Directory”)… Continue reading Run Linux services only as local user
Change date modified of files and delete files other than n days
I am working on a backup script on Linux and for that I need test data: Files that are modified on certain dates and that I can scan for. Of course I could create a file every day for the next month, but that would take a little too long. I found out, that one… Continue reading Change date modified of files and delete files other than n days
Securing your private keys and preventing others from using them
I have to access a lot of server remotely and for this I am using public/private key authentication. This means basically that I have a key pair, consisting of public and private key, on my computers that identifies me. If I need access to a remote machine I send my public key to the administrator… Continue reading Securing your private keys and preventing others from using them
Get full path of executable in PATH variable
Ever wanted to get the full path of an executable that is located in the global PATH variable? Maybe for configuration purposes? Take a look at the following snippet. It may help you: This will show the full path of the parent folder containing “code.cmd”. The term “code.cmd” could be replaced with “java”, “cmd”, “powershell”… Continue reading Get full path of executable in PATH variable